Courtesy Wolf Creek Ski Area wolfcreekski.com
Wolf Creek waits for snow
October 30, 2007 —
An early season trip to Wolf Creek is at the top of my to-do list, as it should be for any Colorado skier.
With an average annual snowfall of 465 inches (compared to Vail’s 346 and Beaver Creek’s 310) Wolf Creek depends on nature, not snow guns, to open early each season. It’s one of the most reliable early-season powder stashes in the state (for more on Wolf Creek click here).
But this year it’s not looking good – yet. The resort will open Saturday, but only the Nova children’s lift, which means less than 1 percent of the mountain will be open.
Storms have a funny way of showing up and changing everything, and Wolf Creek officials are waiting to see what happens before they announce when they’ll open up more of the mountain. I’ll keep checking in with them and let you know what happens, but it all boils down to snow. So far this year, Vail has been getting the best of the snow, but as soon as the next big one hits southwestern Colorado, you can bet Wolf Creek will open up some of that great hike-to terrain along its top ridge.
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