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Everything you need to know about Vail Snow Daze 2009
November 20, 2009 —
It’s almost more than we can fit into one post:
Snow Daze 2009 is coming: FREE CONCERTS including Eve 6, Robert Randolph and the Family Band Barenaked Ladies, and Yukon Kornelius starring members of the Dave Mathews Band, Barenaked Ladies, Guster and N.E.R.D.; PLUS a dummy demolition derby, a photo competition, a Snuggie Pub Crawl, and a bunch of lodging deals and all kinds of happy hours and drink specials. Yes, the 2009 incarnation of Vail Snow Daze may be the most event-packed early-season celebration of all time.
Click the play button below for a video preview of the event:
All the information you need about the event is here on this page and/or linked below. Look through the calendar of events for links and descriptions, and scroll to the bottom for more info on lodging deals.
Monday, Dec. 7 – Tuesday Dec. 8
Online camera phone photo contest begins...
Wednesday, Dec. 9
Online camera phone photo contest continues…
Snuggie Pub Crawl: We here at realvail.com admit that this seems like a really weird idea at first, if not downright geeky, if not absurd. Either way you slice it, this event is ripe with possibilities for embarrassing YouTube videos. Therefore we highly recommend assuming a disposition heavily laden with irony before engaging in the public wearing of a Snuggie … in which case the whole idea becomes kinda fun.
If you don’t know what a Snuggie is (or if you’ve been living in a cave for the past year or so), a Snuggie is a fuzzy blanket with arms in the front, like a backward cape, made famous through the magic of infomercials. Apparently someone thought it would be a laugh to start hosting Snuggie Pub Crawls throughout the land, and now one is landing in Vail for Snow Daze.
Sponsored by Bud Light, the event includes some Snuggie give-a-ways, but arrive early (around 7 p.m.) if you want to win a free version of the appropriate outerwear for this one-of-a-kind event.
Thursday, Dec. 10
Online camera phone photo contest continues…
Dummy Demolition Derby – We’ve long endorsed the idea of events under the lights in Vail, so we’re happy to announce that this year’s Dummy Demolition Derby will be held in the evenin' time (along with the Chili Chowdown from 5 – 6 p.m.). The basic concept behind the DDD is to build a ridiculous contraption, strap it to some skis, and hurl it down the mountain toward a large jump at high speeds. After a few glorious moments of flight, the Dummies typically destroy themselves upon landing (see photos for examples and inspiration).
Judged on Creativity, Quality of Air, Quality of Blowout, and Crowd Response, the winners pick up $5,000, Second place $1,500, and third place $750.
The DDD begins at Golden Peak at 5 p.m. with FREE food, a DJ, soaring fire flame, and other forms of excellent entertainment.
To register for the Dummy Demolition Derby click HERE.
FREE Eve 6 concert at Checkpoint Charlie in Vail Village at 7 p.m.: Eve 6 is a rock band from Southern California who is most well known for their hits “Inside Out,” “Leech,” and the slow anthem “Here's to the Night.” They disbanded in 2004 and reunited with two of the three original members in October 2007. The current band members include Max Collins on bass and vocals, Tony Fagenson on drums and Matt Blair on guitar and back vocals.
Friday, Dec. 11
Online camera phone photo contest continues…
Epic Lounge: The Epic Lounge, located at the base of the gondola is open 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.. It's a great place to find Vail Snow Daze and Vail Mountain information. The tent will be complete with couches, tables, Wii ski and ride gaming, giveaways and home base for a variety of Twitter giveaways through Vail Mountain.
Yukon Kornelius at Dobson Ice Arena – The star-studded band Yukon Kornelius is probably one of the greatest “supergroups” of recent rock history. The group will perform at Vail’s Dobson Ice Arena with opening act Pete Kilpatrick Band, starting at 7 p.m.
Anchored by Stefan Lessard, bass guitarist from Dave Matthews Band, and joined by Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies, Adam Gardner of Guster and Eric Fawcett from N*E*R*D, Yukon Kornelius ought to be the top show of 2009 in Vail’s always-illustrious musical lineup.
The show will also be supported by REVERB, a non-profit which is helping reduce the carbon footprint of the music industry.
Tickets for Vail’s awareness concert will be distributed through various music fan clubs, Bud Light and Vail Resorts’ media outlets. Tickets will not be available for sale.
Saturday, Dec. 12
Online camera phone photo contest continues…
“Gifts that Give Back” holiday event at Roxy in Vail: Visit Roxy in the Village from 1-5 p.m. to check out this event, which will highlight vendors that give a portion of their proceeds back to various charities. Attendees can enjoy refreshments while shopping and will receive 20 percent off all purchases.
Demo Daze & Reverb Expo Village: The Expo village is unlike any other expo village you’ve probably seen before. First off, it’s on the mountain, open from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Eagle's Nest. Secondly, it’s meant to echo the theme of the IZSTYLE Winter Tour, so there is an ecological-awareness element to the whole shebang.
Barenaked Ladies – This FREE concert starts with opening band Pete Kilpatrick Band, and if its anything like year’s past, the venue is enough to make it worth attending … add the multi-platinum Barenaked Ladies to the mix and we’re talking about a seriously amazing show.
Realvail.com was there to witness The Fray, live in concert, last year, and even though we don’t really like The Fray, we still had an amazing, amazing time (even the best ever). We’re hoping the snow sculptures, ice sculptures, booths and Bud Light are as plentiful and ice cold as last year – this could be one of the all-time great shows in Vail history … unless you HATE the Barenaked Ladies, in which case it's possible you are deficient in your ability to relax and have fun and it's also possible you are severely lacking in the "musical soul" category.
The concert starts at 6 p.m. at Ford Park.
Sunday, Dec. 13
Online camera phone photo contest continues…
Demo Daze & Reverb Expo Village: Open from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Eagle's Nest.
Robert Randolph & the Family Band - FREE apres concert with opening act Bonfire Dub at Checkpoint Charlie at 3 p.m. in the center of Vail Village.
Our advice is this: even if you’re exhausted from a weekend of skiing and going to free concerts and hucking dummies off jumps and wearing a Snuggie and drinking beverages which the sponsors are hoping is Bud Light, you MUST attend Robert Randolph shows anytime, anywhere, you possibly can. Listening to his recorded stuff is one thing, but seeing it live is an entirely different experience. We find it impossible to listen without two things happening: One, we begin to dance. Two, we begin to believe that music really can save the world. And even if it ain’t true, it’s a great feeling to have.
Lodging Deals:
Vail is offering a Snow Daze deal with Stay Free, Ski Free packages as low as $336 per person. Purchase three nights of lodging and three days of skiing or snowboarding at Vail and get the fourth night and day free. Check out www.vail.com or for last-minute lodging deals check out www.vailonsale.com.
Snow Daze Sponsors
Sponsorship makes the world go round. Keep these folks in mind as you enjoy the weekend:
Vail Resorts, Bud Light, Town of Vail, SoBe Lifewater, Zacapa and Skiing and brought to you in part by Neve Designs, Smith Optics, Liberty Skis, Reverb, US Army, Vail Daily and KZYR The Zephyr.
The Reverb Eco Village is brought to you by IZSTYLE, Reverb, Stonyfield Farms, Bear Naked, Clif Bar, Honest Tea, Nordica and Burton. For more information about Vail Mountain or Vail Snow Daze, visit www.vail.com.
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