Photo courtesy of Christine Scanlan's website: christinescanlanforcolorado.com
News from State. Rep Christine Scanlan
September 13, 2008 —
Have you met State Rep. Christine Scanlan yet? If not, you should! She is running for State House District 56. She was appointed to the State House in 2007 to fill the vacancy left by Dan Gibbs when he was appointed to the State Senate to fill the vacancy left by Joan Fitz-Gerald when she became a U.S. Representative. Follow that?
Christine has done a phenomenal job so far and wants to continue her good work. She resides in Dillon and is a member of the Summit School District Board.

She’s been working hard to get funding from the State to deal with the Pine Beetle problem. In the short time she’s been in the State House she has worked hard and gotten a lot done. But don’t take my word for it-ask her yourself. You can contact her and find more information through her website.
Better yet, meet her in person at one (or more!) of these events:
Town Halls
September 30th, 6 - 7:30, Transportation Issues, Avon Municipal Chambers, Avon
October 9th, 6 - 7:30, Wildfire Mitigation, Eagle County Chambers, Eagle
Meet & Greets
Hosted by Julie Charneskie, Julie McCluskie & Karen Mason
September 12th, 6-8pm
127 Landon Ln., Dillon
Hosted by Liz Spetnagel
September 23rd, 6:00-7:30pm
Eat! Restaurant, Edwards Corner
Hosted by Kristin & Dave Williams and John & Jill Alfond
September 24th, 5-7pm
2445 Garmisch Drive, Vail
Hosted by Karen Kalfas, John Hollis, Phyllis & Gary Martinez
September 25th, 5:30-7:30pm
53 Lone Spur, Eagle Ranch
Hosted by The Stavney & Lautenberg Family
October 10th, 5-7pm
La Bottega Restaurant, Vail Village
Big Precinct Walks
September 16th, 1-4, Broadway Café, Eagle
September 17th, 3-6, Vail Village, Starbucks
September 17th, 3-6, Abbey's Coffee, Frisco
September 23rd, 2-5, Eagle Dems office
September 25th, 2-5, Eagle Dems office
September 27th, 11-2, Abbey's Coffee, Frisco
For more information about these events and more, visit the Eagle County Democrats' website at http://www.eaglecountydems.org
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