Photo Courtesy of Cheryl Bottomley eaglecountydems.org
Barack Obama Speaks in Grand Junction
September 20, 2008 —
I got to see Barack Obama in Grand Junction Monday, Sept. 15. Cudos to the organizers, while the lines were ridiculously long everything went smoothly and we all got in in time for his speech. It was exciting to watch and I was pleased to see many young people and parents with their children there. The crowd was very enthusiastic. He is an inspiring man to hear speak, and hearing and seeing him in person was thrilling.
Our own State Rep. Christine Scanlan has got to be the hardest working woman in politics these days! She has a mulitude of events lined up over the next few weeks, including Town Halls, Meet & Greets, and Precinct Walks. Visit the Eagle County Democrats website, eagledems.org, and take a look at the calendar of events for when she’s going to be in your neck of the woods. Or visit her website, christinescanlanforcolorado.com.

Speaking of websites, here’s a few more you should visit to get the lowdown on your local and national candidates:
Presidential Candidate Barak Obama’s website: www.barackobama.com
US Senate Candidate Mark Udall’s website: www.markudall.com
US House of Representatives Candidate Jared Polis’ website: www.polisforcongress.com
CU Regent Candidate Joe Neguse: www.joeforcu.com
Colorado State Senate Candidate: Ken Brenner’s website: www.kenbrenner.com
Colorado House of Representatives Candidate for HD 56 (the Eagle River side of the county), Representative Christine Scanlan’s website: www.christinescanlanforcolorado.com
County Commissioner Candidate for Reelection: Peter Runyon’s website: www.peterrunyon.com
County Commissioner Candidate: Jon Stavney’s website: www.jonstavney.com
- by Cheryl Bottomley
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