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Kitzbuehel, Cortina World Cup downhills cancelled due to heavy snow
January 21, 2009 —
Women's Head Coach Jim Tracy reported that Cortina was called at 6:30 a.m. as more than 25 inches of snow had already accumulated at the top of the course with another 25 inches expected to fall throughout the day.
Sounds like a rewind from last year when the Team scored a powder day at the expense of a training run.
Here's the vid of that one:
The men went up for inspection this morning for their first look at the infamous Strief in Kitzbuehel, but the jury called it at 9:30 a.m. when heavy snow continued to fall. Day plans now include a little volleyball and tuning into the inauguration of President Obama.
Last night's Team Captains meeting here in Kitz was pretty interesting. In order to recruit the best forerunners for the Hahnenkamm, organizers did an EU (European Union) wide search for the best and bravest. Sorta like a star search of ski racing in search of the top amateurs around. Successful applicants win the privilege of hucking themselves down the most harrowing downhill in the world so the coaches can see how it runs before sending down the pros. Otherwise known as Test Dummies.
All told, 79 answered the call and after three days of tryouts, seven stayed. They needed eight, although FIS Chief Race Director Gunter Hujara says he knows one more. I can assure you, it's not me.
Stay tuned.
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