Photo By Dave Gottenborg www.vaillacrosse.com
Vail Shootout Day 1 - 11:15 am
June 30, 2008 —
I’ve never done a "blog" up here in Vail before so I thought I would put some of my writing skills to the test. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to let loose with my writing skills, so here goes. We’re early on Day 1 of the Vail Lacrosse Shootout. Today is mostly a calm day, but that is certainly a relative term. The day started with internet connection issues and computer problems. We are moving to a new scoring system with Pointstreak, who does the MLL and NLL. Once it is up and running for each division, it will be pretty cool. For now, most people are looking at each computer like it’s infected with the Ebola Virus or something.
The big story today is probably the Pool Play in the Masters Division (33+). Masters is usually pretty entertaining because… read more at www.vaillacrosse.com
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