By Liam Doran/Beaver Creek Resort
Bode hits rock atop course, Austrians dominate final race of Birds of Prey World Cup weekend
December 3, 2007 —
The readout on the scoreboard here at Birds of Prey World Cup Super-G appeared to have a glitch; but no – the five AUT readouts are accurate. Five Austrians are in the top five, plus one lone Swiss slipped in there at fourth place.
How does that work, you ask? Hannes Reichelt was first (AUT), Mario Scheiber was second (AUT), Christoph Gruber was third (AUT), and Daniel Albrecht was fourth (SUI). Michael Walchhofer and Benjamin Raich, both of Austria, tied for fifth.
Bode Miller of “Team America” said he hit a rock atop the course and blew out an edge, thus the large rooster tail emanating from his skis the entire way down the course. He definitely seemed off his game and, according to a brief interview with RealVail, that’s the reason why.
The rest of the Americans skied poorly, especially through the critical bottom section of the course. Racer after racer came too straight into the final two faces, where Steven Nyman skied off course. Scott McCartney placed 44th, TJ Lanning DNF’d, Andrew Weibrecht DNF’d, and Ted Ligety was the top American with a rank of 23rd.
So there you have it: total Austrian domination. Next weekend let’s hope for some American domination from Lindsey Kildow Vonn, of Vail, when she goes after the Aspen Women’s World Cup, to be held Friday through Sunday.
And now it’s time to get OFF COURSE and into the copious amounts of fresh powder which await us in Rose Bowl. It was a pleasure covering the race for you this weekend, and now I’m going to get into what I know best: covering freesking. We’ll let ya know what conditions are like here at the Beav’ this afternoon, and keep you abreast of everything that’s happening at Colorado’s ski resorts through the winter.
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