By Tom Boyd
Davos Trail: a quick jaunt into the white
December 11, 2007 —
Snow is still falling here in Vail as we head into the fourth day (or is it the fifth) of powder, powder, and more powder.
Skiing the mountain everyday just isn’t an option for most people, and frankly I like to get away from lifts and earn my turns every once in a while. When I don’t have a lot of time to ski I go out onto Davos Trail in West Vail, hike as far as I can, and enjoy the slide down.
I usually use my telemark/skins combination on the trail, but skis or snowshoes aren’t usually necessary on this well-used trail. Just about everyone in the neighborhood is up there some time or other, so a hike on Davos can be a bit of a social event, too.
To get there: Davos Trail is located at the end of the North Frontage Road. Take the West Vail exit off I-70, and drive west out of the roundabout on the north side of the highway. The road runs parallel to the highway for a bit and terminates with a parking lot and a sharp, right-hand turn which leads uphill to Arosa Dr.
Park at this parking area and find the trail behind the silver mailboxes. Or, alternately, drive all the way up Arosa Dr, take a left on Davos Trail, and follow the road to the top of the hill, where it terminates in a cul-de-sac. Park here (to avoid getting a ticket, be sure to be off the pavement and onto the dirt portion of the road), and then follow the road up as far as you like. This is a great trail for dogs and kids.
Read more about Davos trail, and other trails, at our trail guide by clicking here.

Wolf Creek
Loyal readers will know that Wolf Creek opened with less than 1 percent of its mountain up and functioning this year, but the latest storm cycle has absolutely pounded the Southwestern Colorado resort.
Wolf Creek is reporting 126 inches at the summit and 106 at the midway point.
Here's some more info:
24 Hour Snow Fall Total: 23 inches
48 Hour Snow Fall Total: 31 inches
72 Hour Snow Fall Total: 56 inches
Latest Storm Total: 32 inches
Year to Date Snow Fall Total: 169 inches
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