Earth Day's a good day
April 22, 2008 —
Perhaps my sunny disposition has something to do with the Mike Doughty tickets I just bought (8 p.m. at the Fox Theater in Boulder), or maybe I�m excited about following the Pennsylvania primaries (I�m a sucker for that political stuff), or maybe I�m just another tree hugger who loves Earth Day.
More likely it�s a combination of all of the above.
Daughty is one of those rare musicians who�s able to be thoughtful without being morose. Acoustic guitarists like Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews seem to be spiraling downward into the realm of the downright depressing.
Doughty, on the other hand, keeps things vibrant and alive, forward reaching � meaning � you can actually dance at his shows. His latest album, Golden Delicious, is not quite as melodic as his previous album, Haughty Melodic, but he�s still right on the money with GD, and I�m sure, in time, I�ll love it as much as HM.
As for Earth Day, I performed my ritualistic environmental action today by taking my recycling to the bin, so not only my conscience, but also my kitchen, is clean. That�s always a good feeling.
If you want to get deep about it, feel free to read my treatise on the dangers which face the planet, including climate change, by clicking here.
If you�d rather stay on the lighter side of life, then I recommend flipping through my latest blogs � where things are a bit quicker, capricious, and fun.
So, if you�ll excuse me, I�m going to get back to watching the political primaries, where I expect Hillary Clinton to win tonight�s contest by 14 points. I�ll put five bucks on that one if you spot me two points in either direction � any takers?
Happy Earth Day.
5 Comments on "Earth Day's a good day"
Beto — April 22, 2008
I'll take it. Since I know how things are going(at this momment), so I suppose that is not fair.
I think you would find this interesting -> http://www.cbc.ca/video/popup_nlp.html?http://www.cbc.ca/mrl3/8752/news/features/northcott-obamajapan-080422.wmv
Tom — April 25, 2008
Well Beto, looks like I owe you 5 bucks ... Obama lost by only 10 points. So here's my question: now that it's impossible for her to win the pledged delegate count, and only 3 Superdelegates have gone to her side to Obama's 83 since Super Tuesday, why is she still in the race?
Beto — April 27, 2008
Well Tom, your have a pretty valid point and your question seems logical to me, but remember... this is politics; Logic (or common sense)has nothing to do with this :(
P.S. Can I change my 5 buck for a beer? ijk.
Beto — April 28, 2008
Oops... typo error.
Tom — April 28, 2008
You're on Beto ... I'll be thirsty around 5 p.m. Wednesday if you're around. Send me an email using our "contact us" link.