Meet me at the Main Street Grill, Saturday 10 p.m.
July 24, 2008 —
Twenty minutes west of Vail, Edwards has become a Vail Valley center for shopping, movies, restaurants, and, of course, bars. My favorite of this latter category is the Main Street Grill.
I’m a bit biased, as Main Street is the place where I get out once and a while to sing, sip a Coors Light, and play the acoustic 6-string (a Taylor, for guitar buffs out there). The reason they’ve been successful the past eight years is the quality of the food (“casual family fare with a Cajun flare”), but the cozy bar has also got to be the most welcoming, accommodating place that side of Gore Creek.
I’m up to bat again this Saturday at 10 p.m., so warm up your pipes and/or work up your thirst. If you’re any good, or at least good looking, you'll probably end up onstage. I play acoustic music, Stones, Beatles, Tom Petty, Mike Daughty, Bernard Fanning, Jack Johnson, that kind of thing, with original music sprinkled in.
If you can’t make the Saturday show, try Danny Shafer Friday night at the Main Street – he puts on a good show. It’s worth it just to check out the high quality guitars he often brings along, guitars he definitely knows how to play.
Anyway, I know this is shameless self-promotion, but I figure all the people to whom I owe money will want to know where I am once in a while, just to be sure…
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