October 22, 2007 — BOSTON - My live coverage from Boston continues with mayhem in the streets as a massive miasma of Nation fans spills out onto the streets outside of Fenway Park, where the Rockies will strut onto the national stage Wednesday night to face the Sox in the World Series.
All my photos are blurry and dark but for the shot of the Sox shirt you see at right, but let these words paint the picture for you: After winning the American League and advancing to the World Series, Boston is in absolute hysterics. Cops in riot gear are everywhere outside Fenway, but no bad news yet from the midst of the chaos.

Make no mistake, this is a Vail website with Vail roots, and outdoor non-ball sports are usually our game. But when Rockies fever hits, it hits hard and it has swept us up faster than the Rox swept away the Diamondbacks and Phillies. RealVail is happy to report from Boston tonight (Sunday, Oct. 21) that our city is continuing to get high praise from Sox fans, Sox players, and the national media (which long ignored us, to its detriment.) Boston is now bracing for major disruptions, and its strategy to repel a dangerous riot akin to the one that met the 2004 ALCS victory is to pepper the streets with cops in helmets and bullet-proof vests, showing more force than (we hope) would ever be necessary in peaceful D-town.
And don’t forget the Broncos – Jason Elam hit his third game-winning field goal of the year to help the Donks recover from a humiliating loss to San Diego at home two weeks ago. Rockies magic is everywhere – here, there, and certainly at Mile High, where the Rockies played their first-ever game in 1993.
Local Boston newscasters have referred several times to the “Red Hot Rockies,” and to the fact that we took 2 of 3 games from them in Fenway during the regular season. Snow seems to be their main concern, as Boston fans are getting a heavy, heavy dose of what our weather conditions are like – my prediction: more than a few Sox fans will decide to book their winter vacation in Vail this year after seeing shots of our recent snowfall on TV.
I’m hoping for a Rockies W.S. victory in Game 5 – that way the Rockies can beat the Sox just as the Broncos beat Green Bay on Monday Night Football. It’s time the nation knows just how good we are out in the Rocky Mountain West, not just in Denver, but in Vail, Aspen, Summit County, and all over the Rockies from Montana down to New Mexico, from Utah to Kansas, we may not have a 100-year-old tradition, but we’re building one and it feels fantastic! Go Broncs! Go Rocks!
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