Eagle County Democrats are fired up
September 8, 2008 —
The conventions are over, election season is in full swing, and the Eagle County Democrats are fired up and ready to “get ‘er done!”
We just opened our campaign office at 116 3rd St. in Eagle-between Broadway & Capitol. Join us for our Grand Opening Pot Luck, Wednesday, Sept. 10th 5-8p.m. Bring a dish to pass and your favorite beverage.
Meet some of our local candidates, and our two extremely hard-working national campaign reps, Rao & AJ. Register to vote if you need to-be sure you’re registered at your current address! Pick up yard signs, bumper stickers, etc for both local and national candidates. Contribute cash or items for the office-paper, pens, post-its, snacks, beverages — all are appreciated. Most of all, learn about the candidates so you can be an informed voter.
If you’ve got a little time to spare, from until Nov. 4 there will be many opportunities to get involved. There will be DOOR KNOCKING EVERY TUESDAY IN EDWARDS AND ON THURSDAYS IN EAGLE. Sign up at: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpgdbl
PHONE BANKING EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Phone banking to call and identify as many voters in Eagle County as possible. Sign up at: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpgdbl
We need people to work at the campaign office so we can keep regular hours. If you have a couple of hours free one or two days or evenings each week, we’d love to have you! And all of our local candidates could use your help. Stop by the campaign office in Eagle to find out what you can do, or let us know if you would like to host a fundraiser for a local or national race. By the way, over $1,100 was raised at the “Hungry for Change” bake sale on Saturday, Sept. 6th. $1,100 at a bake sale, wow! Thanks so much to Amie Nelson for organizing the whole thing.
Folks, this is one of the most important elections most of us will ever participate in. No matter who you are supporting, I would like to encourage you to get involved. Most of all, I encourage you to be informed. Don’t base your vote on 30 second TV ads, innuendo, rumors, or out-an-out BS.
All the national candidates have websites, and all of them have posted specifics on what the issues are, and what-and how-they plan to deal with them. Take the time to visit these sites and read the plans! Know who and what you are voting for! Don’t neglect the local candidates- they are the people that really have the most direct impact on your life. Call them, meet them, ask them questions. Let them know what it is you want them to do. That is the beauty and power of Democracy!
By Cheryl Bottomley
3 Comments on "Eagle County Democrats are fired up "
Debbie Marquez — September 12, 2008
Nice job Eagle Dems. It is great to see public news of what is going on in the Valley during this important election. Keep up the good work.
Reid — September 15, 2008
Just wondering if you're going to do any stories of the Republican side of the race, or, is this solely a Democratic web site?
David O. Williams — September 15, 2008
We have a standing offer to local Republican Party Chairman Randy Milhoan to post a GOP blog on this site, but so far, while he has expressed interest, we have not received anything. You will notice we quote numerous Republicans on a variety of topics in stories all over the site, including Milhoan, Bob Schaffer, Ali Hasan, Al White, Dick Wadhams and Frank McNulty. Others, such as Debbie Buckley, have not returned our calls. But we are always open and available.