Hong Kong, short and sweet
October 27, 2008 —
Well, it's kind of tough to write a travel blog about a place you only visited for three nights, a case made even more difficult taking into consideration that I've put all of my planning and imagination into my eventual foray into Nepal.
So due to the fact that my lethargic, unmotivated self did very little in Hong Kong other than wander around a crazy, neon-lit city, I'll keep this brief. We all have better things to do than listen to me prattle on about nothing in particular. Though if anybody actually wants that, send me an email, I can prattle with the best of them.
So a few quick thoughts on Hong Kong:
1. If shopping is your bag baby, then Hong Kong may just be the city for you. I apparently know very little about Communism, or whether Hong Kong is actually governed by Communist China, but I can tell you that Capitalism is alive and well on the streets of Hong Kong, whatever it's official title may be. This would all be fine and great if I had any tinge of desire to ever go shopping at any point in my life, but as my mom will attest, I'd generally rather visit the dentist than head to a mall. All told, I bought one thing in Hong Kong: a Lonely Planet for Bangkok.
2. The people of Hong Kong virtually all speak English! After living in Korea and having grown generally accoustomed to saying whatever the hell happens to fall out of my mouth, knowing full well that most of the public won't understand me (yeah, us English teachers must be doing a bang up job), it was a bit strange to find that even the lower classes in Hong Kong speak perfectly descent English. Having been governed/leased/whatever by the British up until very recently, this makes some sense. I think I first learned this on my first afternoon when I walked into a 7-11 and gave the lady my best "trying to speak slow, but really just coming across as mentally challenged" speel of hand gestures and slowed speech. She answered my question in perfect English, maybe wondering if she should pull aside any sharp objects that might be lying around.
3. Hong Kong has some incredibly beautiful women walking around. Granted, those who know me, know that I've fallen completely off the charts with a newfound attraction to Asian women since living in Korea, so I'll leave this up to debate. I'm not saying the women are any more beautiful than any other city in the world, I'm just saying there's certainly no shortage of pretty and very stylish women walking from shop to shop.
4. That's all you get. Three days, three points to be made. I did ride a tram up to the top of Victoria Peak and took some decent photos, but I'm afraid I'd bore even myself by trying to make it sound like anything more than just a day sight-seeing.
One other activity of note: I watched my first movie in a theater in over a year. It's not that Korea doesn't have movie theaters, there just isn't one near where I live and I do most of my movie viewing from my computer over there. Anyway, Tropic Thunder, good flick.
Today, I'm in Bangkok, leaving tonight for Nepal. I have a beauty of an itinerary where I get into Calcutta, India tonight at 1 a.m., and then get to sit on my duff in the airport until 1:30 p.m. the following day. Though I'll probably show up in Kathmandu looking like yak poop, I sure will be happy to get there.
Stay tuned. . .
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