Photo by Dan Davis trekkerphoto.com
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July 28, 2008 — Vail’s Teva Mountain Games has been picked up by ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS, but why stop there? How about adding a RushHD special and the Ski Channel. Speak Spanish (Habla Espanol?), well then check out the Teva Mountain Games on Telemundo (Mira en Telemundo!).
The next airing of the 2008 Teva Mountain Games in the Colorado market will be Aug. 16 at 11:30 a.m. The Games got some airtime on Denver’s ABC affiliate (KMGH) on July 20th at 2 p.m., but the first 15 minutes were cut off because of some non-Teva Games sporting event (I have no idea what it was, and these things are strangely difficult to find out, but my outside guess would be Olympic Trials).
Good news, however, because the next airing of the Teva Mountain Games will be the real deal, the Full Monty, so to speak, and I’m looking forward to seeing it (I missed the first showing).
The 2008 Teva Mountain Games featured the first World Cup Climbing event on American soil in 20 years, along with other top-notch, world-class competition in trail running, mountain biking, creek and freestyle kayaking, rafting, trials biking, fly fishing and road biking.
Let’s see, did I leave anything out? Oh yeah, how about dock dogs jumping and retrieving competitions, mud runs, and the ultimate in mountain sport competitions: the Teva Mountain Games Ultimate Mountain Challenge.
And, since I’m at it, did I mention that Team RealVail notched second place in the amateur division of the UMC?
As the official online sponsor of the TMGs, I think we’ve got a lot on the line for next year’s competition. Team RealVail has been eating raw eggs, chasing chickens around the RV compound, and jogging up fourteeners every day in preparation for next year’s UMC. Are you reeeeaaaaaaaddy!
I’m already psyched for next year.
Check out more TV listing from you area at www.tevamountaingames.com
Check out realvail.com’s no B.S. coverage of the games at www.tevamountaingames.com.
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