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May 30, 2009 — The final draft of the 2009 Wolcott Area Community Plan is now available for review at www.eaglecounty.us/commDev. Select “Community Plan Updates” in the upper right corner of the Web page.
The Eagle County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on June 17 to adopt the plan. Upon adoption, the new text and graphics will replace the existing 1991 Wolcott Area Community Plan as a chapter in the 2006 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan.
Public hearings on the plan have been under way since September 2008, and many comments and suggestions have been incorporated into the final draft.
The text and graphics package for the updated plan is extensive. The county is encouraging all interested parties to access the electronic document on the Web, as a very limited number of copies will be printed.
Those who are unable to review the document online can contact Cliff Simonton in the Community Development Department at (970) 328-8751 for other options.
Anyone who wishes to comment on the plan is encouraged to attend the June 17 meeting, which begins at 3 p.m. in the Eagle County Room at 500 Broadway in Eagle.
Those who wish to comment in advance of the meeting can contact Simonton at the above number or by e-mail at clifford.simonton@eaglecounty.us.
In other planning news, Eagle County is soliciting statements of qualification and experience from professional land planning firms or teams of qualified experts to assist with the creation of a master plan for the Eagle-Vail commercial area, otherwise known as the Eagle-Vail Highway 6 commercial strip.
The project will establish a vision for the area, along with goals, objectives and strategies to guide the coordinated redevelopment of properties over time.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) can be found online at www.eaglecounty.us/rfp.cfm and contains a project description and background, general scope of services, submission requirements and selection criteria.
Responses to the RFQ are due no later than 5 p.m. June 19 and should be submitted to:
Scot Hunn, AICP, Planner III, Department of Community Development, Eagle County Government, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, CO 81631
The information may also be faxed to (970) 328.7185, with the caveat that materials must be clearly legible and complete. Interviews of interested firms may be scheduled if needed and the county reserves the right to extend the submittal deadline.
For more information, contact Scot Hunn with Eagle County Community Development at (970) 328.8624 or by e-mail at scot.hunn@eaglecounty.us.
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