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July 19, 2009 — The Vail Recreation District's fall youth soccer registration is under way until Saturday, Aug. 8. Age groups range from four to 13, effective July 31, and teams are coordinated geographically via residence and where players attend school.
The youth soccer program's three groups are as follows (practice schedules subject to change):
* Micro Soccer, ages four to five, practice from 5 to 6 p.m. Fridays at both the old Battle Mountain High School field in Eagle-Vail and the school's new field from Sept. 11 to Oct. 9. Cost is $45 and includes a T-shirt.
* U8 Soccer, ages six to seven, practice Tuesdays and Thursdays from Vail to Avon with Saturday games from Sept. 1 to Oct. 24. Practice times to be determined. Cost is $50 and includes a uniform.
* U10 Soccer, ages eight to nine, practice Mondays and Wednesdays from Vail to Avon with Saturday games from Sept. 2 to Oct. 24. Practice times to be determined. Cost is $55 and includes a uniform.
* New U12 & U14 Drop-in Soccer, ages 10 to 13, practice from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 2 to Oct. 24 at the Vail Athletic Field. Cost is $5 per session.
This is the second season for the VRD's smaller-sided youth soccer league, which allows U8 teams to play four versus four with no goal keepers, while U10 teams will play six versus six with goal keepers. According VRD Sports Director Joel Rabinowitz, the smaller team play allows participants to play more and gain better knowledge and skills of the sport.
Additionally, the VRD is seeking volunteer coaches and referees. Fees are waived for children whose parents volunteer.
The fall youth soccer program is sponsored by the Vail Daily, Plum TV, Vail Sports Medicine Physical Therapy and American National Bank.
Registration is available by clicking here or by calling 479-2280.
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